This Week In Rideshare: Amazon, Alternatives, and Stabbed

2 min readDec 1, 2023

A tragedy at Amazon, drivers have options and a shopper almost loses her life. LegalRideshare breaks it down.


After a worker was killed at an Amazon facility, Amazon was fined….$7000. The Washington Post reported:

After an 11-week investigation, Indiana safety officials found that Amazon failed to ensure a workplace “free from recognized hazards that were causing or likely to cause death” and issued a serious safety citation.

The penalty? A $7,000 fine, the maximum in Indiana.

Amazon, America’s second-largest private employer, is under unprecedented scrutiny for a high rate of injuries at its warehouses as multiple government agencies raise alarms about ergonomic safety. But cases like Gruesbeck’s reveal the limited ability of state and federal safety regulators to effectively levy penalties or enforce safety policies on powerful corporations like Amazon, which made $9.9 billion in profits in the last quarter.


Drivers in Minneapolis have a message for Uber: “If you leave, we got options.” Sahan Journal reported:

In a press conference Tuesday, Eid Ali, president of the Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association (MULDA), said his group has been talking to two other “transportation network companies,” or rideshare companies, about entering the Twin Cities market in the event that Uber and Lyft leave.

“Over 1,000 drivers who are ready,” Eid said. “The same day that they [Uber and Lyft] pull out, we have people who will cover that so we don’t have any problem.”

Eid also said the other companies, which he declined to name, would be willing to make drivers stakeholders in the business.

Uber and Lyft threatened on August 15 to pull or limit their services in Minneapolis if the City Council approved a then-pending ordinance to increase pay and workplace protections for their drivers.


An Instacart worker gets stabbed while on the job and is denied assistance. Business Insider reported:

She walks up to me, stating, “What was that shit you were talking inside?” And then she lunged forward and stabbed me in the chest. I stepped back, and she hit my right lower pec close to my liver and collapsed my lung.

I tried to see if I could file a claim for assistance with Instacart. I get that we don’t have full insurance coverage like a full-time job. But I thought that they could provide some help for me since I was injured while shopping an order.

When I filed my claim the first time, they said my claim was denied for assistance. I didn’t understand why being stabbed doesn’t qualify for assistance.

LegalRideshare is the first law firm in the United States to focus exclusively on Uber®, Lyft®, gig workers, delivery and e-scooter accidents and injuries. Consultations are always free.




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